What you see here is the one-drop work. The child will use an eye dropper or small baster and attempt to put one singe drop into the shallow paint pallet. We color the water blue so that the child can see their progress as they continue their work all the way around the pallet.. sooo carefully. The purpose is to concentrate on dropping one tiny drop at a time, as you can see Perrin doing here. When the work is complete, the next satisfying step is to slowly go around cleaning the one drop from the palette with a cotton ball. This prepares the pallete for the next round of drops, or another friend who would like to try. This is easy to set up in the home, and can entice your little one to slow down and concentrate on an interesting purposeful activity.
AGE: 2 and older
CATEGORY: Control of Movement
ACTIVITY: Individual
AREA: Table
- Practical Life exercises that involve the Three-Finger-Grip (3FG)
- Sponge Squeezing
- Pouring water into a pitcher